Hulk Hogan talks to Men’s Health about his diet and lifestyle

June 30, 2023

Hulk Hogan has been in the news lately, and not for the wrong reasons. Recently, the former six-time WWE Champion talked about what it was like working with Rowdy Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff, with Orndorff’s son Travis confirming some of Hogan’s stories.

Now, Hogan is the subject of a Men’s Health article on weight loss and a Men’s Health Gym & Fridge vlog. And as fans quickly learn, the Hulkster still practices what he preaches regarding training, saying his prayers, and taking his vitamins (lots and lots of vitamins).

In the fifteen-minute video exclusive, Hogan gives Men’s Health the skinny on his diet, giving up alcohol, ditching sugar, and losing forty pounds after undergoing over twenty surgeries within a ten-to-twelve-year period:

“So, it changed the game on me. It made everything different for me, and I changed my whole lifestyle because at the time, being in so much pain and getting older and older, I couldn’t carry that much weight. And when you’re sedentary, and you’re not moving and wrestling every night, it’s easy to put weight on. So, I decided to drop weight and get down to about 265 (pounds). And, actually, the last time I weighed 265, I was in ninth grade.”

In addition to his diet and lifestyle, the former leader of the nWo also discusses his current workout routine and mental health. The vlog closes with Hogan going through a series of rapid fire questions where, when asked which he prefers, big legs or big arms, Hogan replies, “Big paychecks.”

Which do you prefer, Cageside-A-maniacs: big arms or big legs? And what do you make of Hogan’s physical transformation? Sound off below.

Source: Cageside Seats