NYT Crossword Answers for Thursday, July 6, 2023

July 06, 2023

Jump to: Today’s Theme | Tricky Clues

THURSDAY PUZZLE — This doesn’t happen very often, but I thought that my solving of Alison Perch’s debut crossword was going to be over almost as soon as it started.

The first clue I happened to solve was for the revealer at 20A, and I have been doing this long enough to know exactly what the answer was instructing me — or not me, as it were — to do. So I solved it, mildly disappointed that the fun of figuring things out was over so quickly.

Ha! Shows you how much I know. It turns out that there are two revealers (both are debut entries themselves), and the second one holds a delightful surprise for the solver, almost as if it were saying “Don’t forget your themed goody bag on the way out!”

So if you feel deflated because you think you figured the puzzle out too quickly, hang in there. There’s a goody bag waiting for you at the door.

Source: The New York Times