IFD responds to northeast side apartment fire

July 06, 2023

The fire began shortly before noon on July 6.

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INDIANAPOLIS — The Indianapolis Fire Department responded to an apartment fire on North Emerson Avenue and 40th Street on the northeast side of Indianapolis Thursday.

Shortly before 12:30 p.m. on July 6, IFD received a call about a large apartment fire and requested police assistance with the blaze. Smoke from the fire could be seen for miles.

The apartment complex was vacant and boarded up at the time of the fire. IFD reported that there was an extraordinary amount of trash and debris surrounding the burning building, briefly blocking access to the building

It took firefighters over an hour to bring the blaze under control. Fire investigators are surveying the damage to find out what might have started the fire.

"It is a huge threat to the safety of our firefighters. It's an abandoned structure that doesn't need to be occupied by anyone including squatters or people with ulterior motives," said Rita Reith, IFD public information officer.

IFD said that this was the second large fire on the property within the last 60 days, with the most recent taking place on May 3. IFD reported four firefighters were injured. Three sustained heat-related injuries while another fell through the floor and was transported to Methodist Hospital.

Source: WTHR