Teen rushed to hospital after large tree falls in Jackson Square

July 07, 2023

The teen was reportedly stuck under the tree for several moments while emergency crews responded.

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NEW ORLEANS — A teenager was rushed to the hospital in critical condition after being struck by a falling tree in Jackson Square on Friday, according to New Orleans Police.

"NOEMS did respond to Jackson Square for a report of a fallen tree and did transport a minor to the trauma center," said Lewis.

There was no immediate word on the extent of the victim's injuries.

A photo showed a large tree downed in the Square. It is unclear what caused the part of the tree to come down.

Several witnesses told WWL-TV's Alyssa Curtis that work had been done on some of the trees in Jackson Square recently. The city said that routine maintenance is performed on trees in city parks, but didn't say what "routine" meant or if work was done recently on the trees in Jackson Square.

Social media users said a large part of the tree broke off and fell onto people who were in the Square.

Source: WWLTV.com