Weekly Astrology Forecast, July 9-15: Propelling Yourself Forward

July 08, 2023

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The week brings new invitations from the inner planets of Mercury and Mars as they shift into new signs, deepen into a new space, pave a new path forward, and call new parts of ourselves to emerge from within.

Mars Enters Virgo

As a planet moves through the constellations of the zodiac, the manner in which it expresses its essence is shaped by the sign it sits in.

Mars, in astrology, represents will, motivation, direct action, and passion. It is our inner fire propelling us in the direction that excites and feeds our ambition, desire, and forward movement.

Virgo has a beautiful ability to see the purity and wholeness wherever it looks. It encourages us to create the environment, set in place the rituals, the details, and the organized planning to allow for the unfolding of that wholeness.

While in Virgo, Mars’ raw passion and drive to action becomes grounded. Passion and drive are aspects of human nature that are instinctual to us all. During this transit, we are offered the pairing of passion with grounded action, ambition with strategy. It is the coming together of daily steps toward our dreams and refinement of how we use our inner fire and ambition. The gifts of Virgo bring containment and careful allocation to the fire of Mars.

From July 10 to August 27, we are invited to review our desires, goals, and ambitions with discernment, practicality, and attention to detail. The fuel that moves us forward can be used in the most efficient and intentional way toward the unfolding of our desires into a tangible and lived reality.

Mercury in Leo

A day after Mars initiates a new chapter in the grounded sign of Virgo, Mercury makes its shift into Leo.

Mercury rules the mind, communication, thinking, learning, and the processing of information in our immediate environment. Mercury is curious and practical, fed by learning, sharing, conversing, and adventuring through all the knowledge and information that is available in our vast existence. As Mercury moves into a new zodiac, that sign becomes the lens through which we think, perceive, process, and communicate.

Leo is ruled by the Sun. Like the Sun, it is here to shine, express, and bring warmth, love, and vitality. It is bold, giving, and sincere. Leo represents our sense of self, identity, passions, and journey through which we move to become more fully ourselves.

As Mercury and Leo come together on July 11, there is an ignition of passion within our mental sphere. Clarity around what is ours to shine and a sense of excitement that desires to enter our reality until July 27. There is a need to share and express in a way that conveys the enthusiasm, warmth, and joy that is innate to us. Mercury within the golden realms of Leo is an invitation to learn about the self, celebrate the Self, so that we may then express the Self.

Your Invitation

Despite the differences in the transits this week, there is somewhat of a shared direction in the transits. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, holds intentions of practicality, refinement, and organization in everyday life. Mars and Leo each hold the essence of passion, desire, expression, and movement fueled by the spark of fire.

Virgo refines. How can you refine your Mars fire—your ambition, your actions toward your dreams—so you are moving in service to your vision?

Leo infuses you with yourself. Is your inner fire being channelled in a way that supports you, supports your direction, supports your body, and supports others?

This week is infused with desire and expression, passion and ambition, all in the service of embodiment of the Self. Are you moving in ways that are true to who you are, encompassing of your unique spark, and utilizing your fire in a way that receives the most out of what is put in?

It is a time to begin a different daily ritual, routine, and long-term plan to support yourself in the actualization of your desires and the practical planning, refinement, organization, and objectivity that will allow you to find your way there. How can you bring your unique desires and your unique expression to your direction and vision forward? Is your direction true to you?

Learn more about the influence of astrology in your life, including astrological events the Moon cycles, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with the current influences, and more with Jordane Maree at Girl and her Moon.

About Our Contributor

Jordane Maree is the founder of Girl and Her Moon, a platform and community exploring Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and Her Moon, The Podcast. She is inspired, every single day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you truly are, you in all your infinite abilities, in total expansion, in infinite opportunity and love.

Source: Yoga Journal