MJF burns down the set of AEW talk show

July 10, 2023

MJF set Hey! (EW) ablaze. I don’t mean with raging insults. He literally started a fire to burn it all down.

Hey! (EW) is a Sunday morning talk show from AEW hosted by the witty RJ City. The underpants man is fully clothed conducting interviews digging deep into wrestlers’ histories. Sometimes the chatter is kind, sometimes it is combative, and it is always amusing.

MJF was the latest guest on Hey! (EW). City was expecting to be roasted, but MJF was in a mood to reveal the real man behind the persona. MJF wanted to open up to the people. Once City was convinced, the real MJF did indeed show. As City ranted about people being free to be themselves, MJF silently stood up and lit the Hey! (EW) sign on fire.

Watch what may end up being the final episode of Hey! (EW). I say that jokingly, because AEW may not approve the budget for City to replace that sign. I suppose City could draw it in crayon next week. Good news is that he still has the On Air light.

Source: Cageside Seats