Vault@237 announces unplanned pause for current business

July 11, 2023

The prohibition themed restaurant announces a pause on business due to unforeseen circumstances

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BUFFALO, N.Y. — The prohibition themed restaurant & bar that opened back in March 2023 has now announced a sudden pause in business.

The restaurant & Bar posted this message to their website and social media pages for patrons to explain the sudden closure.

Vault@237 had been under development at 237 Main St. in the Marin Building since before the pandemic. The initial opening was supposed to be in 2019 in the 6,000-square-foot basement of the 1912 building for Marine Trust Bank but did not open until March 31st 2023 due to a change in operators.

When those plans fell through in 2019, developers Paul Kolkmeyer and Andrew Shaevel decided to operate the space themselves with help from Brookwood Hospitality, the same team that manages the Admiral Room, the banquet space on the first floor that accommodates up to 300 guests.
