AMBER Alert issued for 9-month-old child kidnapped in Parrish

July 11, 2023

WALKER COUNTY, Ala. (WBRC) - An AMBER Alert has been issued after the Parrish Police Department reports a 9-month-old child was kidnapped Monday evening.

9-month-old Harlow Darby Freeman is a white female with brown hair and blue eyes.

According to reports, Freeman was taken from a residence on Crest Avenue at around 6:50 p.m. She was wearing a tie-dye onesie and light pink shorts. Officials say it is believed she is in extreme danger.

The subjects may be traveling in a 2009 Lexus RX350 with Alabama tag number 3880AR8. According to Parrish PD, the vehicle has damage on the rear passenger side that appears to be taped with clear tape.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call the Parrish Police Department at 205-686-9991 or 911.

The search is ongoing. We will update this story as more information becomes available.

****updated photograph**** The Parrish Police Department is on the scene of a 9 month old child that was kidnapped at... Posted by Parrish Police Department on Monday, July 10, 2023

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Source: WBRC