Braves keep on keepin’ on lineup-wise to start second half

July 14, 2023

No surprise here: the Braves are rolling out the same lineup.

The Braves are up to 53 different lineups in 90 games now, and this one is already the most popular, with tonight being the ninth time the Braves have rolled it out. No other lineup has been used more than six times.

In terms of starting nines, the Braves have used 27 of those in 90 games, and again, this is the most popular, being used a whopping (?) 26 times so far. The next-closest starting nine has only been used 20 times.

The White Sox, meanwhile, will line up like this:

The White Sox have used 82 batting orders in 92 games coming into this one, and no surprise, it’s a novel lineup. No one’s really in an unfamiliar spot, though newcomer Zach Remiliard, who came up in mid-June, has only hit ninth five times in his 16 starts so far. It’s also a novel defensive arrangement for the club, which has now used 72 different starting nines for 93 games. In particular, this will be the first start that features Remiliard and Tim Anderson as the double play combo while Yasmani Grandal starts behind the dish.

Source: Battery Power