Diesel fuel washing up on shore of McFarland Park after tug boat sinks

July 16, 2023

FLORENCE, Ala. (WHNT) — A tugboat recently sank in the Tennessee River near O’Neil Bridge and has released diesel fuel that is now beginning to wash up on the shores of McFarland Park, according to the Florence Police Department.

FPD says the tug boat sank near O’Neil Bridge and released between 3,000 and 5,000 gallons of diesel fuel.

That diesel fuel is now washing up on the beaches of McFarland Park and authorities are working to get people out of the water and clear the park.

It is not known what caused the tug boat to sink or what the environmental impact of its sinking will be.

News 19 is working to gather more details about the situation and will provide updates as they become available.

This is a developing story.

Source: WHNT News 19