Google Chrome keeps crashing on Android? Here's why and how to fix

July 19, 2023

Here’s the crux of the article in video form:

Google Chrome has long been the go-to web browser for Android users, offering a seamless and user-friendly browsing experience.

However, it’s not uncommon for users to run into certain issues (1,2,3) while using the browser, as we have previously seen.

And now, a persistent and frustrating issue has emerged, leaving many users in a state of bewilderment and annoyance.

Google Chrome keeps crashing on Android

The problem at hand is the repeated crashing of Google Chrome on Android devices. The constant crashing of Google Chrome has become a widespread problem for users worldwide (1,2,3,4,5,6).

Google Chrome stopped working this evening. I can’t get it to work. When I try to open a link, it crashes and closes.


So….. Chrome crashing on android today….. anyone got fixes? The WebView bullshit doesn’t seem to work, restarting, etc all fails…just crash, crash, crash….WTF is going on?????


It appears that the Android System WebView (1,2,3,4) is responsible for this widespread problem. Users have also reported seeing a prompt saying ‘The installed version of WebView caused Chrome to crash’.

The Google Chrome crashing issue has undoubtedly caused a major inconvenience for users worldwide and they are now eagerly looking for a fix.

Here’s how you can fix it

Fortunately, we have come across a workaround that can help fix the issue temporarily. It involves resetting Chrome and Android System WebView.

It’s quite likely that a WebView bug is causing the crashing of Chrome and other Android apps as uninstalling and reinstalling is ostensibly helping users fix it.

Wow! ! Thank you very much! !

I uninstalled it once and reinstalled it and it worked fine! ! 😭✨


For now, Google hasn’t acknowledged the issue and the support team is only directing affected users to the troubleshooting guide. While others have been asked to submit feedback.

It is crucial to practice patience while waiting for a stable solution, and to report crashes to Google whenever you can.

Meanwhile, we will keep tabs on the latest developments and inform you as and when we come across anything noteworthy.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Google section, so be sure to follow them as well.

Source: PiunikaWeb