How To Complete the Sunlight Em up Triumph in Destiny 2

July 21, 2023

If you still don’t know how to complete the Destiny 2: The Sunlight Em Up Triumph, this is an excellent opportunity to hurry up and learn it. We are in the middle of the Solstice event, and you have the chance to complete all 5 triumphs. This event will be your only chance to win the Flamekeeper Title. Okay, sure, you will have another opportunity to win it next year since the title is renewed yearly. But what better than to win it again and not lose it this time? There are only a few weeks to go, so if you haven’t started yet, read this guide.

Destiny 2: The Sunlight Em Up Triumph

One of the 5 triumphs this Destiny 2 event proposed is the “Sunlight ‘Em Up.” To complete it successfully, you must complete the following activities while wearing the Sunlit Armor glow:

Complete dungeons.

Complete raids.

Complete Grandmaster Nightfall.

Complete Master’s Dusk.

Before performing the above activities, you must get the Sunlit Armor glow and wear it for every activity. This is the only requirement for the “Sunlight ‘Em Up” achievement.

One of the fastest ways to complete The Sunlight Em Up Triumph in Destiny 2 is to complete the Trials of Osiris. Winning the PvP battles will grant you a significant increase in your progress.

How To Get the Sunlit Armor Glow in Destiny 2

To get the Sunlit Armor for free, you must go to the Tower and talk to Eva Levante. This is the base variant of this legendary armor, which looks pretty cool. But it doesn’t end there. Once you have the Sunlit Armor, you must make your armor glow. Otherwise, you cannot complete The Sunlight Em Up Triumph in Destiny 2.

The Sunlit Armor will glow after you have completed all available upgrades. Here’s how you can get the Sunlit Armor Glow in Destiny 2:

Upgrade each piece of the armor set 3 times. To do this, you must use silver ash and Kindling on all 3 occasions. By spending 3 Kindling, you can acquire the Fully Rekindled mod, making the entire armor glow completely. Once you have upgraded each piece of armor three times, a white glow will be activated on each piece of armor.

With all steps completed, you’re ready to give the Sunlight ‘Em Up Challenge in Destiny 2 a try.

Destiny 2 is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, and PC.

Source: The Nerd Stash