Seth Meyers Says Fox News Employees Are Paralyzed With Fear

May 02, 2023

America is still reeling from the news that Tucker Carlson was abruptly dethroned from Fox News, the network he has ruled (ratings-wise) for a half-dozen years. While millions of people, including Seth Meyers, are watching the bow tie addict’s ouster with amusement, Carlson’s former colleagues are reportedly not taking the news very well—and fearing for their own jobs.

On Monday night, Meyers reported that a serious “sense of panic and fear has apparently set in at Fox News.” Referencing a Rolling Stone article, the Late Night host says many of the network’s other biggest names/mouths are “openly worried about getting fired.”

The article went on to state that “management is on the prowl for leakers, and the leakers themselves are dodging ‘snitches’ by putting fake names in their phone to hide incoming calls from reporters,” the thought of which really got Meyers laughing.

“Oh my Fod—fake names is so much fun,” Meyers said, then did his best to figure out what kind of devious subterfuge Fox’s top reporters might be playing at. “Brian Kilmeade definitely has a reporter listed in his phone as Santa Claus,” Meyers surmised, adding that this “definitely will backfire on him when that person calls and he’s gonna think it’s actually Santa Claus. ‘Oh my good, good, you got my letter! OK, I want to change the PlayStation to an Xbox and also, I’m not into Funko Pops anymore.”

While Kilmeade embarrassingly proved that he couldn’t scrounge up even half the audience that Tucker had when he filled in for his excised colleague last week, he is far from the only familiar Fox personality who is currently feeling the heat. Meyers added that Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro are said to be minding their Ps and Qs out of fear of being immediately made irrelevant.

“It’s like a horror movie,” said Meyers. “Except in this movie the ax murderer is a 92-year-old Australian man. And instead of chasing his victims, he just makes them come to him.”

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Source: The Daily Beast