The Breakdown: Louisiana OMV providing free LifeLock after massive data breach

July 22, 2023

The news came out in mid-June that a third party, called MOVEIt, was targeted by cyber hackers.

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NEW ORLEANS — The Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles is now offering free credit monitoring to everyone whose data may have been stolen in last month’s massive data breach.

The news came out in mid-June that a third party, called MOVEIt, was targeted by cyber hackers.

If you have a Louisiana license, ID, or car registration, your name, address, social security number, birthday, height, eye color, driver’s license number, vehicle registration information, and handicap placard information could have been exposed to hackers.

The OMV says it’s emailing notices to those who are involved and whose email addresses they have. Otherwise, the OMV did not specify who or how many people were affected by the breach.

The state did set up a 24/7 toll-free call center to answer questions you may have about the data leak. That number is 866.861.8717.

The OMV is also providing one year of LifeLock identity theft protection and credit monitoring to Louisiana residents who were involved.

Enroll at this link. You’ll need a four-digit audit code from the back of your license.

The state has previously recommended you put a fraud alert on your credit or freeze your credit at all three major credit bureaus. Freezing and thawing your credit is free and quick, and it prevents a fraudster from opening a new line of credit in your name.

For a how-to on freezing your credit, watch our Breakdown here.
