Today's 'Wordle' #765, Clues, Hints and Answer for Monday, July 24 Game

July 24, 2023

Today's Wordle puzzle could prove challenging to many so Newsweek has some help to point you in the right direction and the answer to Monday's Wordle puzzle will be revealed at the end of this article.

The game, which has proven popular across the world, asks users to guess a mystery five-letter word in six tries or fewer. Wordle tries to help users identify the correct answer by using a color-coded system; each correct letter in a guess turns green, or yellow if it's in the word but is currently in the wrong place, or gray if it is incorrect.

The puzzle refreshes each day, with a new word that needs to be worked out from scratch.

The English-language puzzle game was created by New York-based software engineer Josh Wardle and was developed during the pandemic lockdown as something for him and his partner to enjoy.

The word game "Wordle" is shown on a cell phone in Houston, Texas, on January 12, 2022. Today's "Wordle" puzzle could prove challenging to many, so Newsweek has some help to point you in the right direction. Getty

Wardle previously told Newsweek he was surprised to learn the game had first become extremely popular in New Zealand.

He said: "For obvious reasons, Wordle has mostly been popular in English-speaking countries. After all, it is a language-based game. When it launched, it actually took hold in New Zealand first.

"The Twittersphere over there is quite small, so everyone tends to be rather interconnected. This means if one person shares something, a lot of others are likely to see it as well, which is how Wordle gained such momentum."

'Wordle' #765, Tips for Monday, July 24

Today's answer will be revealed at the end of this article, so scroll down carefully if you want to work it out on your own. Here are some clues that might help you along the way.

Hint #1: There is one repeated letter in today's Wordle answer.

Hint #2: Monday's answer contains one vowel.

Hint #3: You may want to use "shock" as a starting word as it will give you two yellow tiles, including the needed vowel.

Hint #4: Today's answer ends in the letter "y."

Hint #5: The Merriam-Webster defines today's Wordle answer as: a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation.

'Wordle' #765, Answer for Monday, July 24

The answer to today's puzzle is "hobby."

Hopefully, you were able to figure out the word within the six tries permitted. The next Wordle puzzle will be available at 7 p.m. ET, when the daily update occurs.

Don't fret though if you can't wait. You can always try to crack some alternative word puzzles instead, such as Quordle or Typochondria.

Source: Newsweek