Tottenham Hotspur Owner Joe Lewis Is Charged in U.S. With Insider Trading

July 26, 2023

Federal prosecutors charged Joseph C. Lewis, the British billionaire who owns the Tottenham Hotspur English soccer club, with insider trading on Tuesday, accusing him of illegally funneling nonpublic information to associates to trade on.

In a 29-page indictment, prosecutors in Manhattan accused the 86-year-old financier of doling out tips to friends and associates, including his pilots, personal assistants and romantic partners from 2019 to 2021.

“He used inside information as a way to compensate employees and shower gifts on friends and lovers,” Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said in a statement. “It’s cheating and against the law.”

Prosecutors also accused Mr. Lewis of conspiring to hide a roughly 20 percent stake in Mirati Therapeutics, a pharmaceutical company, through a series of shell companies and false statements to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Source: The New York Times