Fate/Samurai Remnant Announces Tamamo Aria & Cú Chulainn

July 29, 2023

During the Fate/Grand Order 8th Anniversary Festival 2023 live stream, a segment was dedicated to the upcoming Omega Force-developed action JRPG Fate/Samurai Remnant, where staff comments and gameplay were shared.

However, two new characters were introduced: Tamamo Aria, voiced by Chiwa Saitô, and Cú Chulainn, voiced by Nobutoshi Canna. The latter should be incredibly familiar to those familiar with the more popular Fate projects, while this is certainly a unique take on Tamamo.

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According to Famitsu, these two characters are known as Deviant or Stray Servants, essentially those who aren’t assigned to any factions. By forming friendships with the Deviant Servants, some will accompany you into battle instead of Saber and support you in combat.

The exact terminology here may differ with the official Koei Tecmo localization.

You can view the official illustrations for these two Servants below:

The game’s official Twitter account shared Tamamo Aria’s official render alongside an accompanying screenshot:

The game’s official Twitter account shared Cú Chulainn’s official render alongside an accompanying screenshot:

Fate/Samurai Remnant, developed by Omega Force, will depict a Grail War held in the Keian Era, Edo Period Japan, where participants comprising seven pairs of Masters and summoned Servants of figures from historical and mythological importance. A “Waxing Moon Ritual” is also being held in the city’s underbelly. Protagonist Miyamoto Iori, residing in Asaka, fights in this Grail War with his Servant Saber to achieve the “Waxing Moon Vessel.”

Miyamoto utilizes the Niten Ichiryu style of swordsmanship. In battle, players can direct Servants to perform certain maneuvers or take control of them directly. Further, players can explore Edo, made up of row houses, samurai residences, and brothels where NPC and animal interaction are possible. Moreover, there are unspecified challenges players can anticipate.

Source: Noisy Pixel