How To Find The Giant Harp

July 30, 2023

The open world of Remnant 2 is filled with multiple elite enemies, bosses, and difficult puzzles. The biomes and story might be completely different for every player, but the specific puzzles stay the same in each biome. When it comes to The Forbidden Grove, you'll have to solve the Harp Puzzle to reach Ravager's Liar.

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This puzzle can be found almost as soon as you reach the area, but you'll not be able to solve it for quite some time. Here are all the steps you'll need to follow if you want to unlock the bridge to the next main path.

How To Find The Giant Harp

When you reach the Harp puzzle for the first time, you'll be able to interact with it but it won't activate even if you place the correct combination of notes. This is because you need to activate a Giant Harp mechanism located on a higher level in The Forbidden Grove. An NPC will be playing a melody near the Harp Puzzle, and he'll give you the quest to find the Harp.

Once you take the quest, you'll have to go through two full areas and defeat a couple of bosses to enter back into the Forbidden Grove. When you come back to this region, you'll be on a higher level and you can find the Giant Harp in one of the rooms above. Activate the lever beside the Harp.

After it's activated, head back down the stairs and take the small path to the left, which will take you to a door. Open the door and you'll enter back into the Checkpoint room in The Forbidden Grove.

How To Solve The Harp Puzzle

There'll be a diary near the checkpoint that has some symbols on the left side of its first page. You can ignore the written part of the diary since you just need to use these symbols to activate the puzzle. When you reach the rotating mechanism nearby, you'll notice that it has the same symbols as the ones in the book.

You have to raise the cylinder below the required symbols in the correct line. The blanks in the diary symbolize that you need to leave a row empty (without any cylinders raised). Use the picture above or the instructions below to easily solve the puzzle:

In the first row, raise the cylinder on the far right side .

. Leave the second row empty and raise the second-last cylinder from the right side in the third row .

. Leave the fourth row blank and raise the middle cylinder in the fifth row .

. The sixth row needs you to raise the same cylinder as the third one .

. Finally, raise the first cylinder on the left side in the seventh row and leave the eighth empty.

Once you've raised all the correct cylinders, press the button to "Raise Peg" and a familiar melody will play on the machine. This will activate the bridge to Ravager's Liar and you can enter the area.

NEXT: Remnant 2: How To Reroll Your Campaign World

Source: TheGamer