Woman shot in attempted murder-suicide in Conroe shares her story

July 31, 2023

Ada Watkins and her mother are still processing what happened on the front porch of their Conroe home last weekend.

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CONROE, Texas — One week ago, Ada Watkins was shot several times by her mother’s husband before he turned the gun on himself. She hopes that by sharing her story it will encourage others to not ignore warning signs.

Watkins and her mother, Carol Morgan, are still processing what happened on the front porch of their Conroe home last Sunday.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office said the shooting happened around 11 a.m. on July 23 on W. Creek Drive in Conroe. When deputies arrived, they found Watkins with several gunshot wounds and a man with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He died at the scene. The preliminary investigation revealed there was some sort of argument between them, which escalated into a shooting.

"I didn’t see it coming," Watkins said. "I didn't even realize I got shot until after he was done shooting and I looked down, and there was blood pouring out of my mouth."

Watkins said she was shot more than five teams in the face and arm. Some of the bullets are still in her head. Morgan, Watkins’ mom, said she had been married to the man for six years and she thought she could trust him. However, they both recall he had mental health issues and a bad temper that got worse in the past year.

"I told him about three weeks before this, 'Go to counseling. Get some meds,'" Morgan said.

Watkins said the shooting happened during an argument over their washer and dryer.

"I could see the anger," Watkins said. "I could see the meanness, but I never expected him to go this far."

They both now recall some of his behavior as red flags and they want to share their story to hopefully help others.

"Don't put up with it, don't. When you start seeing signs and if they won't get help, part ways," Morgan said. "It doesn't have to end like this. You know, He took away his pain. Now, my daughter has pain. I have pain."

Watkins said she’s now working on recovering, not just physically but mentally and emotionally.

"I left with a friend to go to a lake house and just clear my head while they pulled stuff away out of the house and so it wouldn't be in my sight," Watkins said.

It’ll take several surgeries to treat Watkins’ injuries and she said it’ll take many counseling sessions for her and her family to heal.

"My mom will get peace, my kid will get peace and I'll get peace. It'll take time, but we'll get there," Watkins said.

MCSO said the shooting is currently under investigation.

Domestic violence resources

Source: KHOU.com