Pokemon GO Reveals August 2023 Community Day Pokemon

July 31, 2023

Highlights August's Community Day in Pokemon GO will feature the Generation 6 Water-type Froakie, following the recent Squirtle and Poliwag events.

During the event, Froakie will appear more frequently in the wild, players have a higher chance of encountering a shiny Froakie, and evolving Frogadier will earn a Greninja with the Charged Attack Hydro Cannon move.

The August 2023 Community Day will take place on Sunday, August 13 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM local time, with bonus raid battles available after the event period ends.

Pokemon GO confirmed the August 2023 Community Day Pokemon is the Generation 6 Water-type Froakie. August's Community Day Pokemon will be the third consecutive Water-type Pokemon selected in Pokemon GO following the recent Squirtle and Poliwag events in July.

Pokemon GO's Community Day events promote a featured Pokemon with special event bonuses, exclusive moves, and increased appearance rates for a limited time. These event bonuses include one additional Special Trade, reduced Stardust costs for trading, and double Candy drops from catching Pokemon. After the Community Day event period is over, bonus raid battles are made available by Niantic, allowing Pokemon GO players to continue earning rewards such as Rare Candy and increased shiny appearance rates.

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In a new Pokemon GO post, Niantic confirms Froakie will be the featured August 2023 Community Day Pokemon on Sunday, August 13, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM local time. Froakie will appear much more frequently in the wild, and players have a greater chance of encountering a shiny Froakie. Pokemon GO players who evolve Frogadier, Froakie's evolution, during or up to five hours afterward will earn a Greninja that knows the Charged Attack Hydro Cannon move. Additionally, the Limited-time Field Research will be available with additional rewards, including Ultra Balls and Stardust, for those who catch Froakie multiple times during the Community Day event.

When is Pokemon GO August 2023 Community Day?

Sunday, August 13 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time

The August 2023 Community Day will feature Froakie's new Special Research story titled "A Bubbly Disposition." Pokemon GO's Special Research stories may be purchased for $1.00 or redeemed with a Special Research ticket. While progressing the Special Research, Pokemon GO players may take advantage of several event bonuses such as three times more Stardust for catching Pokemon and additional Candy XL drops from leveling Pokemon. After the August 2023 Community Day concludes, Frogadier four-star raid battles will be available until 10:00 PM local time on August 13.

Although Community Day will focus on a Water-type Pokemon again, the event should provide ample opportunities to earn Candy and other useful rewards in Pokemon GO. Niantic may want to avoid login issues from previous Community Day events, however. If the August 2023 Community Day launches without bugs and other problems, the event could be a great success for Niantic and the player base.

Greninja is one of the best Water-type Pokemon, so players will most likely attempt to evolve Froakie and Frogadier as quickly as possible to earn its best moves. Since Stardust costs are greatly reduced, Pokemon GO players who miss out on earning Greninja with the Charged Attack Hydro Cannon move may want to try their luck by trading with other players.

Pokemon GO is available now for Android and iOS.

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Source: Pokemon GO

Source: GameRant