Diaphone analyzes Scrubquotes player matches to see what caused the rage and why in Street Fighter 6

August 01, 2023

If you're a fan of fighting games on just about any level, the Scrubquotes social media account is quite entertaining for putting out the takes of salty players and how wild they can get.

Professional player Diaphone recently decided to take a different approach to his match analysis for Street Fighter 6 by tracking down the replays of Scrubquotes players and seeing what made them rage — plus what they can do to easily improve.

Thanks to the timestamps provided in the salty screenshots, Diaphone is able to go into the Capcom Fighters Network in SF6 and try and pinpoint when exactly the mental break occurred.

To his surprise, the first player Diaphone covers is actually a Diamond ranked Kimberly whose inputs are absolutely wild and doesn't seem to have the patience to block pretty much anything.

Diaphone isn't doing this just to make fun of the players, as he includes nice Training Mode cutaways to try and teach what went wrong like the Kimberly player trying to mash after slide despite being negative.

The second player is pretty hilarious though considering they're a Modern Zangief telling all Classic players to basically "go die," but meanwhile, they start the match with a full screen running bear grab that of course whiffs.

Our favorite though is probably the guy complaining about PC and PlayStation 4 players cheating with infinite blockstrings that is actually just a Cammy using her plus on block light punch on them while they're in Burnout.

You can check out Diaphone's entertaining new video below though there is some language to be aware of.

Source: EventHubs