David Hallberg’s New Job: Decision Maker

August 01, 2023

His first year wasn’t easy. He started in January 2021, when Australia’s pandemic restrictions were among the most severe in the world. But he eventually managed to get performances going, and put together two triple bills of work mostly new to Australian audiences, including a commission from Pam Tanowitz.

“With David, what you see is what you get,” said the former ballerina Sylvie Guillem, who spent almost a month in Melbourne earlier this year, coaching Rudolf Nureyev’s “Don Quixote.” “He is straightforward, he speaks his mind, but in a very elegant manner, and he knows how to manage people.”

Over coffee near the opera house, Hallberg talked about what it was like to begin the job in the middle of a pandemic, his vision for the Australian Ballet and whether he is pro-Vegemite. Here are edited extracts from the conversation.You had a long history with the Australian Ballet: You rehabilitated in Melbourne after your injury and danced as a guest principal with the company. Did you ever think about directing it then?

The job really wasn’t on my radar at all. When David McAllister, the director, told me he was leaving and felt I should apply, I was totally shocked. I had thought about directing a company, but I was apprehensive about being that person who just transitioned from principal dancer into that role.

Source: The New York Times