What Baldur's Gate 3 Class You Are Based On Your Zodiac Sign

August 01, 2023

The kind of character that a player builds in an RPG like Baldur's Gate 3 can reveal a lot about who they are. That includes their personality traits, deepest hopes, secret fears, and maybe even their ultimate destiny.

Reading the stars using the art of astrology has the same revealing effect as choosing the character's class in an RPG game. A person can't choose their birthday just like they can't control a roll of the dice, but it still determines their fate. Put the two ideas together, and see what BG3 class might be the best fit based on your zodiac sign.

12 Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Bard

The Capricorn is one of the prominent leaders of the zodiac signs. Their powers can be performative as opposed to practical, but they never fail to make an impression.

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The sign of the goat is wise and resilient, but also ambitious and charismatic, a nice combination with the creative Bard. Bards also make ideal party leaders, just like Capricorns in real life.

11 Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Wizard

Innovative, curious, and intelligent, those born under the sign of Aquarius make ideal Wizards. They never stop asking questions and seeking information, making their whole life a scholarly pursuit. That pursuit could also describe this spellcasting class.

Wizards find and earn their powers through continuous study, and the Aquarius is also a believer in the power of lifelong learning. This sign will find the Wizard's quest for knowledge fulfilling and relatable.

10 Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Sorcerer

Both the Sorcerer and the Pisces are creatures of intuition who live between the real and the magical. They say the Pisces has the knowledge and experience of all the other signs, which is why they seem to know how to do everything on the first try.

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A Sorcerer doesn't have to look for spell scrolls or read incantations from an old dusty tome. Just like the sign of the fish, they just wake up every morning in a state of understanding.

9 Aries (March 21 – April 19): Barbarian

A fiery sign that believes actions speak louder than words, the compulsive Aries shares some character traits with the equally aggressive Barbarian. They're both the type to plunge into every fight, but their courage isn't heedless.

There's always a plan behind the actions of the Aries, and although the Barbarian has a reputation for mindless frenzy, their rage is not a constant or chaotic state. Rather, it has to be controlled and carefully used, just like the Aries has to control their temper and energy.

8 Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Fighter

Perhaps more of a defender than a striker, given the Bull's protective nature, but the steadfast Fighter still has a lot in common with the sign of Taurus. The sign of the bull likes work, and their steely and steadfast nature makes them skilled at any career.

On the other hand, they also appreciate their rest, quest rewards, and material comforts. A Fighter isn't going to spend their resources on spellbooks and magical armor, but invest in their physical health and comfort instead, just as a Taurus would likely do.

7 Gemini (May 21 – June 21): Rogue

The mastery of trickery would have to be the two-faced Gemini, aligning it with the Rogue class. But in both cases, being deceptive isn't always a bad thing. Performance art is one suggestion, and Geminis are found in the entertainment industry as often as they are spies or storytellers.

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Gemini is one of the most socially active signs of the zodiac, and the Rogue is also expected to keep a wide and eclectic network of friends and business associates for the benefit of the party.

6 Cancer (June 22 – July 22): Cleric

The player that wants to take care of their friends, but doesn't mind getting their hands dirty to get it done, might be a Cancer. The class they would roll can heal and fight, so the most likely choice is a Cleric.

Clerics are one of D&D's combination classes. They can be defenders, healers, or strikers depending on the build, and often fill more than one combat role. Multitasking is another skill that connects the Cleric with the sign of Cancer.

5 Leo (July 23 – August 22): Paladin

The Paladin class is the bold face of the party, the knight in shining armor that commands the respect and attention of everyone around them. Leo is a good leader because of their charisma and natural charm, and a Paladin often takes this role in an RPG.

The stunning Leo has a similar effect on every crowd. It's natural for the sign of the lion to be drawn to the courageous paragon of every adventuring party, and roll a Paladin.

4 Virgo (August 23 – September 22): Druid

The Druid is a class that's rooted in the living soil, drawing their power from natural sources like trees and animals. The Virgo is also concerned with the material world and concerned with its balance and perfection in everything from food, clothing, and home design.

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That's not the only parallel. Both the Druid and Virgo are concerned with details, which is a handy talent for any spellcaster that takes on a healing or damage role. Druids have a lot to keep track of, but organized Virgo is a perfect fit for this.

3 Libra (September 23 – October 23): Monk

The Monk is all about balance and harmony, and Libra is the sign that's represented by a pair of scales. Other than the obvious visual and symbolic connections, both the Monk and the Libra value intellectual pursuits, physical prowess, and fine art.

It's easy to picture the Libra taking time to meditate or practice a martial art, and they would probably choose to roll a Monk if they played Baldur's Gate 3.

2 Scorpio (October 24 – November 21): Warlock

Impressive, sinister, and mysterious, the Warlock is one of the more enigmatic of the Baldur's Gate 3 classes, and also one of the most misunderstood. That fits it neatly with Scorpio, who shares most of the same distinct traits.

As spellcasters, Warlocks make up for the lack of variety with sheer power, and it's an effect that never fails to impress their companions. Scorpios are a commanding presence, but also intuitive and emotional, likely hiding a demon or two under their collar.

1 Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Ranger

There's a natural connection with archery, but the sign of Sagittarius is more than just a bow. Both the Ranger and those born under the sign of Sagittarius are bold but understated, brazen but not loud. Although they are daring, they are not exactly daredevils.

Both love the wilderness, whether it's forest, swamp, or desert, and live to go exploring. The image of this astrological sign as a centaur is an indication of their love of travel, and the Ranger is known for their love of wild and untamed spaces.

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Source: GameRant