Overwatch 2 Illari Leaked as Season 6 Support Hero?

August 01, 2023

Since the start of the year, it has been known that Overwatch 2 Seasons 4 and 6 would include a new Support hero. Season 4 saw Lifeweaver get added. Then around the start of season 5 a new trailer dropped showing off the second hero who did not have a name. That is until now. A potential leak has come out. Is Illari the Season 6 Support Hero for Overwatch 2?

[Related: New trailer teases potential Overwatch 2 Sombras rework]

The newest Overwatch 2 trailer shown at the Xbox Showcase was all things Giant robots, co-op events, firing ranges, story missions, and much more. It’s the end of the trailer that will have gamers talking, however. At the end of the trailer, a hero who can only be inferred to be a new support hero rises into the sky wearing a crown and a cape. While it’s still hard to make it out clearly the new hero will be brandishing a big gun or a giant sword of the sort.

The new Overwatch 2 PVE Mode will be dubbed Invasion. This new mode brings along new story missions, a new co-op mode, and as discussed a new support hero. This new update is said to be Overwatch’s biggest content drop yet.

Overwatch 2 Illari Leaked?

Below is a Tweet from someone who is not known as a leaker but someone who clearly knows something.

Who this? Can't be a healing turret character can it? pic.twitter.com/UlmSSMvHqN — Stevooo (@UhOh_Stevo) August 1, 2023

Please understand that this could be fake. But considering how much this looks like the in-game model for Overwatch 2 and what was already shown about the Season 6 Support Hero, it is looking like Illari could be the next hero.

Once anything is confirmed or proven wrong, this article will be updated.

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Source: The Game Haus