The Last of Us knock off removed from Nintendo eShop as Sony stakes copyright claim

August 01, 2023

The Last Hope: Dead Zone Survival - the The Last of Us rip-off that turned up on the Nintendo eShop last month - has been removed from sale.

Additionally, trailers for the game have been taken down, due to a copyright claim made by Sony.

The Digital Foundry team cast a critical eye over The Last Hope.

If you head to The Last Hope's Nintendo eShop store page now, you will instead be greeted by a 404 message, and a generic image of Star Fox's Peppy Hare (which is actually more pleasing on the eye than what was there previously).

Meanwhile, when I searched for The Last Hope on my Switch, I got directed to Mario and Rabbids' Sparks of Hope.

I can, of course, still play The Last Hope: Dead Zone Survival as I previously bought and downloaded it, although I doubt I ever will again.

Eurogamer has contacted both Sony and Nintendo for further comment.

Image credit: Eurogamer Image credit: Nintendo eShop

Digital Foundry took a look at The Last Hope back in July, and called it "an absolute disaster". In fact, the team said it was the worst game they'd ever tested.

"Testing The Last Hope has been both cathartic yet also eye opening. I'd mostly ignored the shovelware-infested digital storefronts and assumed many of them were innocuous, but when you see something like this it really pulls back the curtain on the depravity festering within certain corners of the industry," wrote John.

"The Last Hope is designed to take your money. There is no game here - this is effectively a scam. We all knew this from the trailer, but the fact that the actual game is so much less than even that awful trailer is genuinely shocking."

John closed with these sage words: "Next time you find yourself looking at something like a Redfall or Destruction AllStars and thinking 'Gee, these are bad games', I want you to step back, take a deep breath and remember The Last Hope: Dead Zone Survivor."
