Remnant 2 'Realmwalker explorer armor' set missing or bugged

August 02, 2023

Here’s the crux of the article in video form:

New updates are being added at the bottom of this story…….

Original story (published on July 31, 2023) follows:

Remnant 2, the popular action RPG game, offers players a thrilling experience with various armor sets to choose from.

Among them, the Realmwalker set stands out as an excellent choice for those seeking agility and dodging abilities.

Remnant 2 Realmwalker explorer armor set missing

However, Remnant 2 players have reported an issue where the Realmwalker armor set linked to the ‘Explorer’ archetype is missing (1,2,3,4,5,6,7).

The Realmwalker set is highly coveted by players due to its benefits for agile and evasive playstyles. To obtain this armor, players must first finish the main campaign and defeat the final boss.

As a reward for their triumph, players receive the Golden Compass item. They then need to head back to Wallace in Ward 13 to craft the Engram, which ultimately unlocks the Explorer Archetype.

Upon unlocking the Explorer Archetype, players usually expect to find the Realmwalker set and other related armors available for purchase from Whispers, the armor vendor in the game.

However, players have expressed their disappointment and frustration as the armor sets seem to be missing from the shop entirely. This bug has led to players being unable to access the gear they worked so hard to obtain.

I’ve beat the game a twice at this point currently on third run. My friend and I can’t get explorer armor in the store and we want to the archon set, can someone help? We have all the other requirements just can’t beat the armor bug. ( We’re on Xbox)


I already got the Explorer archetype but still cannot buy the armor set (Realmwalker) any solution for this bug?


Issue acknowledged

Fortunately, a Remnant 2 developer acknowledged the issue and stated that a fix will be included in the next patch.

Potential workaround

While waiting for the official patch to be released, players can use these workarounds. Firstly follow these steps:

1. Reroll campaign. (Difficulty does not matter I did on survivor for speed)

2. Do not join anyone or let anyone join your game so world state is not changed

3. Get to the final boss area

4. Do NOT kill it or start the interaction with Clementine or Keeper

5. Port back to Ward from the stone. It should now be in its dark sky state


For XBox users, do not skip the credits scene. It appears that this works for the host of the lobby. So you can rotate with your friends and be host one by one.

That, said if you comes across more workarounds, do let us know in the comments down below.

Update 1 (August 1, 2023)

04:15 pm (IST): There’s another workaround similar to what we’ve already suggested. However, there’s some difference. You can check it out below.

Update 2 (August 2, 2023)

04:54 pm (IST): There is yet another solution and it’s identical to the previous ones, but with a few additions like running and completing only the primary goals.

Note: We have more such stories in our dedicated Gaming section, so be sure that you follow them as well.

Featured Image: Remnant 2.

Source: PiunikaWeb