This Ancient Whale May Have Been the Heaviest Animal Ever

August 02, 2023

Paleontologists on Wednesday unveiled the fossilized bones of one of the strangest whales in history. The 39-million-year-old leviathan, called Perucetus, may have weighed about 200 tons, as much as a blue whale — by far the heaviest animal known, until now.

While blue whales are sleek, fast-swimming divers, Perucetus was a very different beast. The researchers suspect that it drifted lazily through shallow coastal waters like a mammoth manatee, propelling its sausage-like body with a paddle-shaped tail.

Some experts cautioned that more bones would have to be discovered before a firm estimate of Perucetus’s weight could be made. But they all agreed that the bizarre find would change the way paleontologists saw the evolution of whales from land mammals.

“This is a weird and stupendous fossil, for sure,” said Nicholas Pyenson, a paleontologist at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, who was not involved in the study. “It’s clear from this discovery that there are so many other ways of being a whale that we have not yet discovered.”

Source: The New York Times