Move over Maki, Kimberly invited herself to be Guy's new disciple in Street Fighter 6

May 07, 2023

Although Guy hasn't made a playable appearance in the last 2 Street Fighter entries, his presence is still being felt in the games, first through his master and now through his new disciple.

Kimberly used to be a talented college student before finding a higher calling by inviting herself to be the next Bushinryu pupil under Guy in Street Fighter 6.

For some reason I thought that there could only be 2 Bushinryu practitioners at a time, 1 master and a student, though I suppose it's hard to make a full ninja clan from just 2 people.

Kimberly may be the newest to take on the ninja arts, but we've seen others outside of the 3 main practitioners before including Street Fighter EX's Kairi and Hokuto using it in their own style and even in Captain Commando via Ginzu the Ninja.

We've yet to see how Guy took this whole unexpected student situation, but he seems to be rolling with it now, considering how much Kimberly already seems to have learned.

Since we've seen other Final Fight characters like Damd and Carlos Miyamoto are coming back for SF6's World Tour mode, it wouldn't be too shocking to see Guy have a cameo role there too, which could give fans a bit more context as to what's going on inside the Bushinryu clan now and where Maki is.

Kimberly's English voice actor is Anairis Quinones, who you may also recognize as Mirko from My Hero Academia, Goll in Record of Ragnarök, Iris in Pokémon, Yelena in Attack on Titan, Hinatsuru in Demon Slayer and more roles across games and anime.

Her Japanese voice actor is Nao Toyama, who you may recognize as Lyria in Granblue Fantasy: Versus, Vatista in Under Night In-Birth, Trish in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven and of course many more games and anime too.

Capcom is poising Kimberly as the new main heroine of SF6 to fill the new protagonist roles with Luke and Jamie, so we're very interested to see how that's going to play out in the full game.

Source: EventHubs