Letecia Stauch sentenced to life in prison without parole

May 08, 2023

FOX21 News will live stream a press conference with the 4th Judicial District Attorney’s Office in this article.

(EL PASO COUNTY, Colo.) — The jury has reached a verdict in the case against Letecia Stauch who is accused of killing her 11-year-old stepson, Gannon, in January 2020.

On Monday, May 8, Stauch was found guilty of all accused charges, which include:

First-Degree Murder after Deliberation

First-Degree Murder of a Child Under 12 in Position of Trust

Tampering with a Deceased Human Body

Tampering with Physical Evidence

The jury was dismissed with the thanks of the court.

Judge Gregory Werner sentenced Stauch to a maximum sentence granted in Colorado— life in prison without the possibility of parole for both murder charges. Stauch was given 12 years in prison with three years parole consecutive to counts 1 and 2 for Tampering with a Deceased Body and an 18 month consecutive sentence for Tampering with Evidence.

Judge Werner said Stauch betrayed those she loved “due to her selfish and calculated actions” and committed a disservice to those who actually struggle with mental health.

“You took away everything Gannon was and everything he could’ve been,” stated Judge Werner.

Courtesy: FOX21 News Chief Photojournalist Mike Duran

Courtesy: FOX21 News Chief Photojournalist Mike Duran

The sentencing followed tearful speeches from Gannon’s family members.

Gannon’s aunt left a Bible and requested it be given to Stauch.

“[Gannon] is our hero and he will always be our hero,” said Gannon’s aunt through tears.

Gannon’s grandmother said if Gannon were here today, he would ask others to protect his family now that he is gone.

Landon Hiott, Gannon’s mother, reminded not just the community but the world how Gannon brought together thousands of people in hope.

“I won’t say [Stauch] destroyed my life because that would be a sort of sick victory to her,” said Hiott.

Hiott stated Stauch underestimated her as Gannon’s mother and the strength of a loving community.

4th Judicial District Attorney, Michael Allen, later echoed Hiott and stated he has never seen the community come together as it did for an 11-year-old boy.

Last to speak was Gannon’s father, Al, who commemorated his son’s life through home videos shown in the court room. Al asked Stauch’s sentencing to include a year for every mile she drove to dump Gannon’s body along with the years she manipulated and abused Gannon’s younger sister.

Source: FOX21News.com