How Do I Get Rid of Skin Tags?

May 09, 2023

Q: As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed more and more skin tags sprouting in odd places on my body. What are they, exactly? And is there anything I can (and should) do to get rid of them?

They can pop up in unusual places: on your neck, under your arms, maybe even around your groin.

And for many people, they can be extremely irritating — especially if they get caught on jewelry or clothing, or if they occasionally bleed.

Research suggests that more than half of adults will develop at least one skin tag during their lifetime.

The good news, said Dr. Angela Lamb, a dermatologist at Mount Sinai in New York City, is that they are harmless. “They’re completely benign,” she said. “They have zero malignant potential.”

Source: The New York Times