So, Mark Zuckerberg is shredded now

May 09, 2023

Remember when Mark Zuckerberg was photographed with his face slathered in sunscreen?

That Zuck is no more. Say hi to shredded Zuck.

Shredded Zuck wins jiu-jitsu matches. Shredded Zuck is tan. Hi, shredded Zuck.

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Silicon Valley, meet shredded Mark Zuckerberg.

Shredded Zuck goes to jiu-jitsu matches and wins medals. Say goodbye to gray tees and hoodies, because shredded Zuck wears really tight black shirts while engaging in martial arts.

On Saturday, Zuckerberg took to Facebook — of course — to share photos of himself competing at a jiu-jitsu tournament in Redwood City, California. The 38-year-old tech mogul thanked his coaches, including Dave Camarillo, a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt who's also worked with Keanu Reeves.

"Competed in my first jiu jitsu tournament and won some medals for the Guerrilla Jiu Jitsu team," Zuckerberg wrote in a post.

—USA TODAY Video (@usatodayvideo) May 8, 2023

Looks like shredded Zuck's quite the fighting machine, too. He said in August 2022 that he took up mixed martial arts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The days of sunscreen-face Zuck appear to be in the rearview mirror.

Goodbye, sunscreen Zuck. Hello, shredded Zuck.

Source: Business Insider