Announcers stunned as Royals pitcher hurls on the field

May 09, 2023

Kansas City Royals pitcher Amir Garrett keeled over on the mound against the Chicago White Sox Monday night, leaving the broadcasters concerned that he may have suffered a serious injury.

“Maybe an oblique,” former pitcher and longtime White Sox analyst Steve Stone wondered as he watched Garrett take a knee behind the mound. We’d soon find out it wasn’t an oblique, maybe it was a bad salad though. Romaine can be kind of finicky sometimes.

Surrounded by his teammates and trainers, Garrett began walking off the field and started to receive a round of applause from the fans. But Garrett couldn’t make it much more than five steps before keeling over again and blowing chunks right next to the mound, quickly changing that round of applause to nauseated “oooohhs” from the crowd.

That’s not an oblique — Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) May 9, 2023

“Oh boy,” said White Sox play-by-play voice Jason Benetti, who clearly wasn’t expecting Garrett’s injury to be some sort of stomach bug. I know when I see someone get sick, it takes a lot of focus and breathing exercises to make sure I don’t similarly get sick. Benetti, however, had an audience to entertain.

“Oh my,” Benetti continued. “Oh my gosh.”

“Well honestly, the best-case scenario would be if it’s just an upset stomach,” Stone noted. “Because there’s a lot of things it could be and that would be something that clearly will get taken care of.”

A couple of hours later, Garrett tweeted “All good,” letting the concerned fans know he was feeling better after leaving everything he had, including his dinner, on the field that night.

[NBC Sports Chicago]

Source: Awful Announcing