How has PACE been affected by allegations, arrests of Omaha officials

April 24, 2023

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — One organization that investigators allege was defrauded by four men, including an Omaha City Councilmember and former police officers, is Police Athletics for Community Engagement (PACE).

On Monday, its chair and acting executive director released a statement.

The statement said, in part: "Many of the charges and allegations have nothing to do with PACE."

The group acknowledges former executive director Richie Gonzalez is "accused of defrauding PACE of approximately $9,500."

3 News Now spoke with Interim Executive Director Antonio Espejo about the impact this investigation has had on the organization.

"How's it affected us? It's affected our position to put on as many possibilities or options for these kids. We had to slim down our programming,” said Espejo.

The statement insists PACE "never worked with Jack Olson or his alias Cody Jones." It concludes by saying the allegations around Gonzalez are "about his actions and not about the PACE organization."

SEE MORE: UPDATE: Federal indictments and arrest of Councilman Vinny Palermo, 3 others including former police officers

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Source: KMTV 3 News Now Omaha