Ys IX: Monstrum Nox On PS5 Is The Same But Still Great; Now Including Spicy Costumes

May 10, 2023

Despite being the latest localized release in the Ys franchise, Ys IX: Monstrum Nox remains rather underrated. This is primarily due to its jarring presentation alterations from the far more positively received Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana.

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But I’ve honestly always preferred Ys IX. Its more personal narrative, smoother combat, and, at least to me, immensely stronger main cast, made it a far more compelling adventure.

Still, a native PlayStation 5 release seemed pretty unnecessary. Unlike Ys VIII, which faced a vastly troubling initial launch when it was first localized and lacked a significant number of cosmetic DLC, Ys IX was not exactly in the same boat.

For one, its Western debut on PlayStation 4 was mostly trouble-free. The only noteworthy problems were crashing issues on PlayStation 5 that were remedied soon after launch and some framerate issues in Balduq city proper. Additionally, IX has far fewer DLC costumes than VIII, so the desire for them wasn’t nearly as strong.

Regardless, Ys IX did receive the Ys VIII treatment with a native PlayStation 5 launch, and I had the opportunity to play through it pre-release. And, well, there isn’t really much for me to say. Regarding performance, the framerate is smoother, and the textures are crisper, but it’s barely noticeable when compared to the current state of the PlayStation 4 iteration.

Also, like Ys VIII’s PS5 port, the experimental co-op feature from the game’s PC version is not implemented. However, I don’t view it as a big deal since it’s not a feasible way to experience the game other than a few dozen minutes or so, simply for the sake of it.

The most major inclusion for this native PlayStation 5 version is the cosmetic DLC. Each playable character has unique outfits highly reminiscent of theater performances, perfectly encapsulating the collective vibe of their Monstrum transformations. Plus, there are several attachments, such as a few cute plushes of Ys characters like White Cat and even Geis from Ys VI and Ys Seven.

Although the strangest type of cosmetic DLC is the speech bubbles that can be affixed to any character. They impede your viewpoints, so they’re probably just there to be funny for a few minutes.

For a closer look at the DLC cosmetics check out our previous coverage.

Other than those features, diehards like myself can obtain the Platinum trophy again, so there’s a decent incentive for replay value if you’re a massive fan of this particular entry.

Generally speaking, Ys IX: Monstrum Nox on PlayStation 5 is the best version to purchase if you want the most bang for your buck, even if that additional bang is only slight.

Still, if you already own the title on anything that isn’t the Nintendo Switch, you won’t have much reason to revisit the Prison City of Balduq. These PlayStation 5 ports from NIS America are highly questionable in practice, yet I admittedly appreciate how they’re becoming the definitive versions of multiple games.

Check out our review of Ys IX: Monstrum Nox’s PlayStation 4 release.

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Ys IX: Monstrum Nox is currently the latest chronological entry in the franchise, where the series protagonist, Adol Christin, is 24 years old. It follows the red-haired hero as he becomes a captive in the prison city of Balduq. Adol quickly becomes a supernatural entity known as a Monstrum, and he allies with those also “gifted” with the power. The group gradually unveils truths regarding the Romun Empire.

Ys IX is the fourth game in the series to utilize the party combat system, meaning characters other than Adol are playable. In addition, every party member has a specific attack attribute (Strike, Slash, and Pierce) that is highly effective against varying enemies. Further, this entry embraces exploration more than any previous game.

You can watch the launch trailer for Ys IX: Monstrum Nox on PlayStation 5 below. The port will greet European audiences on May 12, 2023.

Source: Noisy Pixel