Bloodborne PS5 Remaster or PC Version is In Development, Twisted Metal and God of War Creator Says

May 10, 2023

According to the creator of the Twisted Metal and original God of War series, David Scott Jaffe, a Bloodborne PS5 remaster or PC port is in development.

The outspoken Jaffe said as much during his most recent YouTube scream, in which he talked about the rumored PlayStation showcase. As covered earlier this week, this event is rumored to take place by the end of this month, and during Jaffe's stream, he answered some questions about rumors and whether he knows about unannounced titles that are in development.

Ever since the rumors about the PlayStation State of Play popped up, the community has been speculating about which games will be present, and according to Jaffe, Bloodborne will be one of those titles as well as the rumored Metal Gear Solid remake. In his stream, the Twisted Metal series creator did add that he isn't sure if Sony is working on a PC version of Bloodborne or a PlayStation 5 remaster of the game. We've included the time-stamped video in which Jaffe mentions Bloodborne below. Around the 53:20 mark, he also mentions that Bloodborne will be present during the rumored PlayStation showcase later this month.

Interesting stuff from Jaffe for sure, although the information above should be taken with a pinch of salt for now.

For years, there have been numerous rumors about Sony planning to release a PS5 remaster and PC port of Bloodborne. Most of these rumors have since been debunked in some way, and since the game didn't receive a proper PS5 patch, modder Lance McDonald has released his own unofficial PlayStation 5 60FPS patch.

Want to know how a proper Bloodborne PS5 remaster or PC Port in 4K and 60FPS could look? Be sure to check out this simulated Bloodborne remaster, created by YouTuber 'ElAnalistaDebits'.

Released in 2015 for PlayStation 4, many consider BloodBorne to be one of the best Souls games ever created.

Source: Wccftech