Today’s Wordle Review

May 13, 2023

The hypothesis is as follows: Venting — the kind that involves outraged howling into the wind — can help solve a Wordle puzzle.

I bring this up because I was stuck after my second try with this puzzle. My go-to starting word, AROSE, got me an A and an R, with the R in the wrong place.

My next guess was ALTAR, which got me precisely nowhere, although I did remember to leave the A in the first position. Never say that I don’t learn from my mistakes. The last time I wrote a review, the puzzle included an S and I tried to make the answer plural, whereupon readers left a series of lighthearted comments that I am a twit and should know better. They had a point. The R was still in the wrong place.

I stared intently at the puzzle on my screen. I ran through the alphabet in order to see what combinations might work. I made lunch and then came back to stare at my screen some more. I showed the puzzle to my husband, who is now better at this game than I am, even though I introduced him to it. He scratched his head.

At this point I was frustrated, so I let out a half-joking cry of aggravation and that’s when a particularly subversive idea popped into my head. I typed the word AARGH into the game and it was accepted. Not only that, but the R was now in the right place.

Source: The New York Times