Someone finally solved Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3's biggest mod problem, earning Maximilian's $5000 bounty

May 14, 2023

The Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 modding community has been going on an absolute tear the last few years, but there was one major hurdle that was holding them back, which has seemingly been solved.

A while back, content creator Maximilian Dood put out a $5,000 bounty for anyone who could figure out how to add new character slots to UMVC3, and it looks like it finally happened.

After testing the tool a few months ago, modder Gneiss released what they are calling the Clone Engine to apparently add at least 50 new character slots to the game for players to use custom characters with.

The character select screen still looks the same at first glance, but users can basically tab over an existing character to pick a modded on and should work with every slot on the roster.

Bounty, claimed! UMVC3 can now support multiple more slots for modded characters. Looking forward to the future and more fan support for the game! — Maximilian Dood (@maximilian_) May 12, 2023

This should solve UMVC3's major issue of putting custom characters over costume slots, which made it so players couldn't pick the original character and a modded one in the same slot at one time because it would give them both the same moveset.

The Clone Engine tool download only includes Ultron to show it off as an example, so modders are still going to need to take a bit of time to reformat created characters to work with the new system — but some like Tabs are already on the job. did it, now to actually port all of my chars to the format and get things cracking so there's a simple public form for folks to use — tabs (@tabs_mvc) May 12, 2023

Hopefully, this can be combined with Tabs' custom character select mod pack for the game, which adds new announcer clips for the modded fighters too.

Maximilian apparently kept up his end of the deal too and sent Gneiss the $5,000 bounty for their troubles.

Things just got a lot more exciting for the Marvel modding community, and it's probably only going to get better from here.

Image source: The Office.

Source: EventHubs