Valleyfair opens for the season, new chaperone policy in place

May 14, 2023

The Soak City Waterpark will open for the 2023 season on Memorial Day weekend.

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SHAKOPEE, Minn. — "Today we have opening day at Valleyfair for the 2023 season, we're all so excited," said Melissa Feerlak, communication director for Valleyfair in Shakopee.

The pouring rain didn't stop people from coming out for Mother's Day.

Amanda Armenteros and her daughter, Chloe were among the crowd. "Chloe and I just came to ride some rides," she said.

While guests can expect the same signature staples, Ferlaak says there are also a few new additions.

"We actually have a few new restaurants - one is Xtreme Confections, that's a whole new design building with all kinds of wonderful desserts," she said.

Guests will also notice changes in the park's chaperone policy for teens and kids.

"Essentially what that is is after 4 p.m., kids 15 and under just need to have a parent somewhere in the park, or someone over 21 as a chaperone, they don't have to go on the rides with kids, they just need to be reachable, by phone, but prior to 4 p.m., kids can still come here with their groups of friends, enjoy themselves and have a good time," she said.

This comes as several amusement parks nationwide have implemented or reinstated chaperone policies.

"Safety is paramount," said Ferlaak.

But while guests enjoy the rides, the staff here expect crowds to pour in throughout the summer.

"I imagine when the sun comes out for the rest of the season we'll be packed," said Ferlaak.

For more information on hours and location, visit the website here.

The Soak City Waterpark will open for the 2023 season on Memorial Day weekend.

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