Capcom releases Open Beta Video 1 that teaches about the Street Fighter 6 Open Beta's characters, controls, and battle systems

May 16, 2023

From May 19 until the end of May 21 (this weekend), Capcom is hosting the Street Fighter 6 Open Beta in preparation for Street Fighter 6's big launch on June 2. The Open Beta will be the first time for a lot of people to try out a character in Street Fighter outside of Ryu and Luke from the Street Fighter 6 Demo since the Closed Beta periods were exclusive to those invited.

To prepare fans for the Open Beta, Capcom has released a video titled "Open Beta Video 1: Characters & Battle System." Needless to say, it's heavily implied that Capcom will be releasing additional video leading up to the start of the Open Beta.

Just like with the Closed Beta 1 and Closed Beta 2, the available characters for the Open Beta will be Ryu, Luke, Chun-Li, Jamie, Kimberly, Guile, Juri, and Ken. Fans of Blanka, Cammy, Dee Jay, Dhalsim, E. Honda, JP, Lily, Manon, Marisa, and Zangief will have to wait until the game is released to try out any of those fighters.

Both the Modern and Classic control schemes will be available for online play. Remember that the Dynamic control scheme will not be permitted in ranked mode.

During the video, it's explained how both of these control schemes work. Additionally, this will be a good opportunity to review the mechanics behind Overdrive Specials, Drive Rush, Drive Impact, Drive Reversal, and the Drive Parry.

Check out the video below:

Source: EventHubs