Mastering these bread and butter combos for all eight Open Beta characters can help you prepare for Street Fighter 6's full release

May 21, 2023

The Street Fighter 6 Open Beta is nearly over, but there's still enough time to get the most out of the experience provided by Capcom this weekend. Needless to say, Bafael recently created a Street Fighter 6 bread and butter playlist for all eight characters of the Open Beta.

Each video is generally broken up into multiple sections. This is due to the fact that Bafael has outlined numerous practical scenarios in which combos can happen in Street Fighter 6.

These scenarios include landing a hit in the mid screen, landing a hit in the corner, hit confirming from light normals, securing a counter hit (+2 hit advantage), securing a Punish Counter (generally +4 hit advantage), and utilizing Drive Rush in combos.

Generally, these videos appear to aim at teaching players on how to get optimal damage with each character while being as efficient as possible with resources given different situations. As such, practicing these combos could be a good way to prepare for Street Fighter 6's full release, though it's worth keeping in mind that some things might change when the full game is released.

Bafael even included an extra video that talks entirely about Jamie's Drink Level mechanic. It's recommended that Jamie players check out this video before diving into Jamie's bread and butter combos video.

Here are just four videos from Bafael's playlist below:

Source: EventHubs