Montana Governor’s Nonbinary Son Calls on Him to Reject Transgender Bills

April 28, 2023

As debates over transgender issues embroil Montana’s legislature, the governor has faced lobbying from someone close to him: his son, who identifies as nonbinary and has pleaded with his father to reject what he called “immoral, unjust” bills backed by Republicans.

In an interview with The Montana Free Press published Wednesday, David Gianforte, who uses he and they pronouns, said he had sat down with his father, Gov. Greg Gianforte, a Republican, last month with a prepared statement in hand to read aloud.

David Gianforte, 32, told The Montana Free Press, a nonprofit news outlet, that he had written down why he believed bills that were gaining traction in the State Senate and House would be harmful to the L.G.B.T.Q. community, to which he belongs.

On March 27, he began his meeting with Governor Gianforte and his top health adviser with a familial introduction, according to The Free Press: “Hey Dad. Thanks for setting aside time to meet with me.”

Source: The New York Times