3 Zodiac Signs Have Healing Horoscopes On April 28, 2023

April 28, 2023

Three zodiac signs have healing horoscopes on April 28, 2023, and here's why. After yesterday's First Quarter Moon in Leo, today is a chance to embrace your freedom and authenticity in a shocking way. It's time to learn the difference between stubbornness and flexibility. When you tune into your deepest passions, you realize that little else matters other than being true to yourself. Your soul's purpose and the actions you take to pursue it are what truly matter.

It no longer matters if others call you crazy because you just smile, knowing and trusting that the best of those always are seen in that light. Society defines norms to follow, but you must listen to your passions and call to purpose. Trust in your heart and what is true and real for you.

As Mars in Cancer aligns with Uranus in Taurus, today marks the beginning of shockwaves through your life. It's time to embrace the unknown and throw a plot twist out. You must shock everyone in the pursuit of freedom to follow your deepest passions and desires. Don't worry if it upsets the status quo or if others question your motives. It's all about being true to yourself.

This pulse of electricity is pushing you toward your greatest destiny. Even if it falls outside of the plans you made, trust that it's leading you to where you need to be. When you live in alignment with your true self, the best version of yourself emerges. So go ahead, embrace the shockwaves, and follow your soul's true path.

Three zodiac signs have the best horoscopes on April 28, 2023:

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

Listen closely, magic is on its way. You've already begun a transformation in your life to embrace authenticity and expansion, and now you're being offered a chance to align your actions with your deepest desires. Mars is currently in your sign, urging you to act on what you feel most connected to. This may have already caused some strife with those closest to you, but if you express yourself clearly, there's no room for doubt on this new journey.

It's important to trust your own feelings and desires completely, without allowing the opinions of others to sway you. As Mars in Cancer aligns with Uranus in Taurus, you're being pushed outside of your comfort zone to fully embrace the changes that are happening. It can be challenging to realize that the life you've been living isn't the one you truly want and that some people on your path may not be able to remain.

But as you move away from what doesn't serve you, you move closer to what does. This journey is about your own inner feelings and passions, not about anyone else's expectations. Mars and Uranus bring surprising actions that may shock those around you, but remember that you're not walking anyone else's path but your own. Surprising others only means that you're living your truth, prioritizing your own feelings and passions, and catalyzing change.

2. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18)

You are on a path to live a healthier life, both for yourself and in your relationships. As you take action to promote emotional and mental wellness, you may feel like you are moving in a new direction that doesn't quite feel like you.

But this is a sign of growth, and an opportunity to create a life that truly fulfills you. It's important to give yourself permission to be happy and to pursue what brings you joy. Mars in Cancer is supporting you to take action towards a healthier life and greater fulfillment.

This requires you to align with your healing instead of your wounds, which will allow positive changes to occur. You may be at a turning point in a relationship, where you have the chance to not only fulfill your dreams but also to heal deeper wounds.

Trust that your decisions are coming from a healthy place within yourself, and embrace the joy that is being offered. Remember, you are not the same person you were five years ago, so your decisions should reflect your growth. Trust yourself and your journey, and the struggles you face will eventually fade away.

3. Aries

(March 21 - April 19)

Trust your worthiness and do not believe the negative voice inside you, especially when you are feeling down. During tough times, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you deserve what's happening. But remember, you couldn't have known how things would turn out, and you can make different choices now. In the past months, you've had opportunities to speak up for yourself and align with what you want.

Today, with Mars in Cancer aligning with Uranus in Taurus, you have a chance to step away from burdens and remember your worth and values. Don't force yourself to accept something that no longer fits your life. Instead, focus on your healing and choose the path that aligns with it. When you prioritize your healing, you'll be able to show up better for everything else in your life, as the people and situations within it need your best self.

Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.

Source: YourTango