Fable Trailer Spammed With Dislikes Over Hero's Appearance

June 13, 2023

Fable, a long beloved franchise is finally being revived. After more than a decade on ice, we finally have an idea of what the next Fable game will look like, as Xbox once again dives into the wacky and incredibly British world of Albion. But of course, none of that is important. Because some guys watching the trailer yesterday didn't find it sexy enough.

That's right - the Fable reboot is dead on arrival. All because the stand-in for the player character briefly shown in the trailer isn't hot enough. Apparently, that really is enough to write the game off for so many, and enough for them to spam the trailer with dislikes

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At the time of writing, the Fable trailer is one of the most disliked videos from the Xbox Games Showcase (when using a Chrome extension to make YouTube dislikes visible again). One upload even has 10,000 dislikes against 8,000 likes, attracting more haters than fans.

Judging by the chatter on both YouTube and Twitter, it very much seems that this is in response to the hero's appearance, as comments about everything else are actually pretty positive. As a side note, if these people reckon that Fable was known for its hot character models in the 2000s, I really want to know what versions of the games they were playing.

"Continuing the trend of weirdly unattractive female main characters in video games, because beauty is objectifying," says one disgruntled viewer. "This is what happens when you consult with woke intersectional feminists."

"Seems like the modern game devs are competing with each other on who can make the ugliest female character," says another.

For some reason, gamers also have it in their heads that the trailer confirmed you could only play as a woman. This woman, to be exact. If you're among the crowd losing it over this right now, then I have great news for you: the devs have never said this. Since Fable 2, you've been able to select the gender of your character, and even change some of their physical attributes. Given how far RPGs have come since Fable 3 - and how customisation options are now expected - there's no reason to believe that Fable will be lacking in this department. The hero in the trailer is almost definitely a stand-in, especially since she's never given a name.

She also looks fine. Like, seriously, I think we've all forgotten that this is pretty much in keeping with Fable's character design. No one's a supermodel in Albion. Well, aside from Reaver, of course.

In any case, despite the avalanche of dislikes, it seems like most non-online-brain-poisoned viewers are pretty excited for Fable. There's a fair bit of disappointment that the latest teaser didn't tell us much more about the game, but hopefully, we'll start seeing updates more frequently now, and we won't have to wait another three years.

Next: Richard Ayoade Was The Perfect Actor To Get Me To Care About Fable

Source: TheGamer