Rashid trailer released for Street Fighter 6

July 05, 2023

It took just over a month, but it's finally time to see what the first DLC character for Street Fighter 6 looks like in action.

Capcom just released the official trailer for Rashid in SF6, which shows off his gameplay as well as launch date for later this month.

The trailer appears to begin with Rashid's Master introduction for the game's World Tour mode, so it's going to be interesting to see how the DLC characters are worked into SF6's story.

Like many other returning characters in the game, Rashid will also have access to his original Street Fighter 5 costume, which is briefly shown off here.

The gameplay starts out with what appears to be some new normals the wind-based fighter will have access to as well as what looks to be a flashier version of his overhead elbow, but that's just scratching the surface.

His running dash from SF5 is back and seems to have new options to cancel out of including a side-switching slide.

Spinning Mixer, Whirlwind Shot and Eagle Spike all return as special moves from SF5 as well plus some new moves that has Rashid flipping and bouncing around off of his tornadoes.

Super Rashid Kick looks to likely be his level 1 Super Art that's a multi-hitting version of his Eagle Spike while his level 2 appears to be a new take on his Ysaar V-Trigger from SF5.

We also get to see Rashid's level 3 Super as well, which has him send the opponent flying away in a twister that he jumps off of to hit them multiple times before slamming back down into the ground for his viewing audience.

Alongside the trailer, Capcom confirmed Rashid will release on July 24 as the first DLC character of the Year 1 Pass though he will be purchasable by himself too.

Following Rashid, newcomer A.K.I. will be the second DLC character for SF6 coming this Fall followed by Ed this Winter and Akuma next Spring.

This week, Capcom also released the Rashid Arrives Fighting Pass to SF6, which adds new items to the game to unlock themed around Mr. Turbulent Winds here.

You can check out the gameplay reveal trailer for Rashid in Street Fighter 6 below.

Source: EventHubs