Mortal Kombat 1 Shows Off Returning Characters In Jaw-Dropping New Trailer

July 07, 2023

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One of the most anticipated releases in the second half of 2023 is Mortal Kombat 1, and the good news is it's already been confirmed for the Switch.

With this in mind, NetherRealm Studios has today released a brand new gameplay trailer featuring returning characters like Smoke and Rain and the Kameo Fighters Scorpion, Cyrax, Sektor and Frost. In case you missed it, Kameo Fighters will assist the main fighter during matches by expanding gameplay possibilities.

Note: This trailer contains graphic and mature themes, so you'll need to sign in on YouTube to watch it.

Here's a bit extra about this "reimagined" version of Mortal Kombat from the official game website:

Source: Nintendo Life