Square Enix Plotting More Retro Revivals After Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Success

July 10, 2023

Final Fantasy fans, give yourselves a round of applause; Square Enix says it's "considering" remastering more titles from its expansive back catalogue following the success of the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster collection released earlier in the year.

Some interesting comments were made at the company's 43rd Annual Shareholder's Meeting Q&A (thanks VGC), where shareholders could ask the board burning and pertinent questions. One heroic shareholder did just that, piping up with: "Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster has been well received. Are there plans to remaster other past titles? Personally, I would like to play Xenogears."

In response, a member of the board replied, "We will refrain from sharing information about new titles, but we are considering various ideas within the company and hope you will look forward to forthcoming announcements.”

The board also referred to an internal reorganisation to make Square Enix's studios better able to meet the growing demands of development as it looks for ways to reduce lead times.

Fans have wanted high-quality remakes of classic titles from the bad old days since basically forever, with Chrono Trigger perhaps chief among them (although Xenogears own supporters are legion). Are there classic titles from Square, Squaresoft, Enix, or Square Enix's decades-long history of creating games you'd like to see revisited? Go on a nostalgic journey to the comments section below.

Source: Push Square