Rashid character guide released for Street Fighter 6

July 17, 2023

Somehow, we're already just a week out from the launch of Street Fighter 6's first DLC character, and now we can get a better sense of just what the heck he can do now.

Capcom just released the official character guide for Rashid in SF6, which breaks down his new mechanics and moves in the game.

The first thing covered in the character guide is Rashid's signature Spinning Mixer attack, which looks to function similarly to Street Fighter 5.

The light version still moves him forward on the ground, medium goes diagonally in the air and heavy version goes straight up.

They show that he can land an Overdrive Spinning Mixer (which is an invincible reversal) after the medium version, and the heavy version serves as his anti-air that can hit behind him.

Next up is his returning Eagle Spike that launches him forward with the special having different startup speeds depending on the strength, which seems like it will be important to know for combo routes.

The Overdrive version launches the opponent into the air to give Rashid a good follow-up tool too for spending some meter.

His Whirlwind Shot projectile is also back from SF5, but it's probably his most changed special from the last game.

Rashid can now charge up the attack by holding down the button that increases the number of hits and damage of the shot, but that's not all it does.

It appears that fully charging the shots leaves behind a whirlwind that can buff / change the properties of Rashid's next attacks or movement options.

Arabian Cyclone is the first of Rashid's new specials for SF6 that's a spinning kick which can be followed up with one of two different techniques.

The first of which is his Wing Stroke air dash that sends him flying towards the opponent, and he can perform air attacks out of it.

His second option out of Arabian Cyclone is his Rolling Assault to move forward and low profile incoming attacks, and it can be plus on block if done after the heavy version.

He can also perform a Nail Assault launching kick out of the roll too while the OD version launches the enemy and leaves behind a whirlwind like his charged projectile.

Arabian Skyhigh is his next new special in SF6 that'll basically allow Rashid to perform a double jump, which is pretty rare for Street Fighter.

Moreover, Rashid can perform aerial attacks after the jump with the OD version being faster and performs a kick that'll spike the opponent back down into the ground — and it's shown being used after OD Spinning Mixer.

To help control his movement, Rashid players can hold back after the jump to not travel as far.

Super Rashid Kick is his level 1 Super Art that is invincible on startup and can be used as an anti-air, but he'll only get the full animation and damage when performed against grounded opponents.

Rashid's iconic V-Trigger from SF5, Ysaar, is back as his level 2 Super in SF6, which appears to move more horizontally now and stays on the screen for quite some time until it makes contact with the opponent.

Like SF5, Ysaar boosts his next specials and also leaves behind the whirlwind to do so after the main twister is gone too.

Moving through the twister will also increase Rashid's dash and jump speeds for more mixup potential (including dashing through opponents), but again, that's not all.

Rashid can kick Ysaar across the screen if he hits it with his Arabian Cyclone special.

Altair is back as his level 3, but it's much flashier than before since he essentially teleports around kicking his enemy inside of the giant tornado with the guide noting it can be a good punish against projectiles.

You can check out the full character guide for Rashid below ahead of his launch in the game on July 24.

Source: EventHubs