Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising makes pretty much everyone mad with massive change to simple inputs

July 25, 2023

Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising will be soon giving the fighting game a new lease on life, but many fans and players are now worried it's now shooting itself in the foot before even getting to the starting line.

Cygames and Arc System Works announced today they're making sweeping changes to how simple inputs will work in Rising, and pretty much no one seems to be on board with it.

"In Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising, skills performed using both simple and technical inputs will have the exact same properties, offering no power difference," reads the official post. "We hope this will allow players to choose the input method that works best for their own individual playstyle."

I'm praying there are still at least cool down differences between easy & technical otherwise imo this is the worst change they've made.

If they're exactly the same all that does is make technical inputs redundant and remove a valuable component of depth from the game. — Virum (@Virum_FG) July 24, 2023

The original Granblue Versus very specifically balanced special moves and Supers differently depending on whether they were performed with the simple or technical inputs, which was largely praised by the playerbase and even those outside the game looking in.

One button specials would typically come with some drawbacks like lower damage, different Oki and of course, longer recovery on the move's cooldown after using it.

I disagree with this entirely.

I personally think the easy input system from vanilla was literally perfect. The penalty system was well designed to encourage people using tech input in scenarios that would otherwise discourage them.

I hope this gets reversed. — Gandido (@IamGandido) July 24, 2023

That's pretty much all out the window now, however, with attacks having the same damage and properties no matter what input style is used, which has the community greatly concerned as to how that's going to work.

When you've got charge characters and grapplers who can do their best moves with basically a press of a button with no downside or specific case usage, why use the traditional inputs?

The intricately balanced simple inputs still had a time and place to use even at high level as well as help new players get accustomed to the game, but now the moves are being homogenized.

Terrible idea that will hurt the game. Even SF6 has weaknesses for simple controls. If both are the same then why would I ever use traditional controls when I can do the same with simple and an easier time reacting? — MBA | Gloomy (@TopTira) July 24, 2023

There's no mention as to cooldowns in this post, so perhaps they're going to attempt balancing simple commands entirely by making them take longer to use again.

Many of the responses to the post are asking the developers to reconsider the change although that's probably unlikely to happen at this stage in development.

There are of course those who are intrigued or fully on board with the change too, but the majority seem to be questioning this decision.

Man maybe I'm weird but this is what I wanted from Granblue in this first place. Once inputs are easy we can focus on making other aspects of the game engaging and rewarding. — Blank Mauser (@BlankMauser) July 24, 2023

Players will get to go hands on with the new battle system in Granblue Rising's beta test coming later this week, so we'll be seeing more of how all of this is going to work in motion.

Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising is currently in development for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC with a release date coming sometime in 2023.

Source: EventHubs