Please don't take sleeping pills to get ahead in Pokemon Sleep

July 25, 2023

A Japanese website suggested Pokemon Sleep players resorted to sleeping pills to get ahead in the game, and quickly found itself in hot water.

As first reported by Automaton Media, Japanese walkthrough website Game8 recently published a tips article for Pokemon Sleep. Among the suggestions was the assertion that if you're a dedicated Pokemon Sleep player, you might want to resort to sleeping pills in order to get ahead in the new game.

This went down like a lead balloon with readers. Japanese players really weren't amused at the suggestion they should take sleeping pills to get better at Pokemon Sleep, and we probably don't need to spell out the very obvious reasons why the suggestion wasn't met with a positive reception.

A better night's sleep means a better Sleep Score, and this in turn can give you a better score during the day with which to attract and capture new Pokemon. Basically, Pokemon Sleep is very dependent on your sleep patterns, and a bad night's sleep can set you back a fair bit in the latest collect-a-thon.

Mercifully, all suggestions of taking sleeping pills on Game8 have been entirely scrubbed from the website. Now the walkthrough site recommends some decidedly more wholesome alternatives to getting a good night's sleep, mainly a nice warm bath and even a footbath.

We can wholeheartedly recommend staying away from sleeping pills for the purpose of Pokemon Sleep. If you really want to improve your sleep and Sleep Score though, you could try reducing your caffeine intake, for example, or getting in daily exercise like a walk. That's a lot better than resorting to pills.

Pokemon Sleep is recording your farts while you sleep, which feels like information that everyone should be made aware of.

Source: Gamesradar