TikToker Upset After People Refused Offer to Pay for Their Groceries

April 24, 2023

Amelia Goldsmith ended up in tears after trying to pay for a stranger's groceries did not to plan.

She said she wanted to pay for someone's shopping to cheer them up.

However, multiple people refused the offer, leading Goldsmith to feel sad and overwhelmed.

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A TikToker ended up in tears when her plan to pay for a stranger's groceries did not go as expected.

Amelia Goldsmith, who lives in London, went to a nearby Sainsbury's store with the intention of buying someone's shopping because she wanted to "cheer someone up."

"I'm nervous," she said in the video, which was viewed nearly 700,000 times. "I just hope they don't look at me thinking I'm some weirdo."

But after a few failed attempts, Goldsmith hadn't found anyone who accepted her offer, and ended up feeling sad and overwhelmed.

"That was really stressful," she said to the camera. "I was expecting the first person to be like, overjoyed and grateful and happy for me to pay for their shopping, but obviously that didn't go down well."

Goldsmith first went up to a man in the store who was checking out his groceries. She told him she wanted to pay for his shop, which he immediately refused.

"There's really no need," he said, and Goldsmith noted in the caption of the video that he looked "angry."

Goldsmith tried asking another person, who also said no. Goldsmith said at this point she was feeling "embarrassed and judged."

"There's a lot more deserving people in the world," the next woman to refuse Goldsmith's offer said. "But thank you."

Afterwards, Goldsmith said the people she asked were quite taken aback by her offer. One of them looked at her like she was an "absolute idiot," she said. She started to cry explaining the experience had given her an "overwhelming sense of emotion."

Goldsmith said that instead she bought packets of pasta and sauces to place in the store's food bank bin, which are full of donations given to people who cannot afford food.

"Weird turnout, but I'm still really happy that the food can go to those who really need it," she said. "I'm just really overwhelmed right now, I don't know what's going on."

In the comments, some people noted the area of London Goldsmith was shopping in, Balham, is a wealthy area. One person said this is probably why her offer was refused. "People in my area would be extremely grateful for this," they said.

Others commented that being filmed may have made people feel awkward.

"Lovely gesture, but remember you don't need to film a good deed to be valid," said one person.

Goldsmith ended the video by saying going up to people like that was a big challenge for her because she sometimes finds social situations hard to deal with, so she was proud of herself.

"Just a lot of emotion," she said, wiping away a tear.

Insider reached out to Goldsmith for comment.

Source: Insider